13 Nov Calcium Chloride Anti-Icing, De-Icing & Pre-Wetting
Anti-icing, de-icing and pre-wetting materials are different ways to use Calcium Chloride in winter. At a recent educational session with DOT employees that use Calcium Chloride with Boost, there was a bit of confusion when it came to terminology that is commonly used throughout the industry. As we begin to head into the Winter season let’s review some of the terminology you may come across.
Anti-Icing is the process of applying Calcium Chloride or another liquid to the road before a storm arrives. This is a very effective method of fighting snow and ice. This process prevents snow and ice from bonding to the pavement which allows for much easier removal with a plow.
De-Icing is a method of removing snow and ice that has already accumulated. Using a product like Calcium Chloride with Boost with rock salt will help burn through the accumulation, especially when temperatures start to fall below 20 degrees.
Pre-Wetting refers to the process of wetting your granular materials (such as salt and sand) with a liquid deicer before you spread it. This process will allow your granular materials to work at much lower temperatures than normal. Salt begins to lose its effectiveness to melt snow and ice as the temperature falls below 20 degrees. Pre-Wetting will allow your materials to work effectively to much lower temperatures. Treating a stockpile is an easy way to begin pre-wetting. Another option is to carry the deicer in a saddle tank on the truck and spray the material at the spinner as its being applied.
For more information about these methods or Calcium Chloride based de-icers, please don’t hesitate to contact us!