27 Jun Calcium Chloride vs. Oil Based Dust Control Products
When June 1st rolls around, residents living on a gravel road know just how bad the dust can be and often begin looking for a dust control solution. The dust can make wanting to be outside and enjoy the nice weather a nuisance. Here in Indiana and Michigan, two of the most commons types of dust control products are Calcium Chloride and some type of an oil based product. We would like to give a brief synopsis highlighting the differences between the two.
Oil-Based Product
First, let’s start with the oil based product. Many times this product is a watered down emulsion. The way that it stops dust is essentially by creating a crust on the top of the road. Putting the product down is usually a messier application process and, if not left alone long enough (at least 3/4 of a day), can create havoc on vehicles and more. Initially, the oil will indeed control dust from the crust that was created. Residents generally like that this type of product is very easy to see visually that something has been done. However, after conditions dry throughout the summer and traffic has a chance to drive over the road, the crust can eventually deteriorate and break apart. When this happens, not only is the dust control gone but it can leave the road with issues including bad potholes.
Calcium Chloride
Calcium Chloride is used frequently in the Midwest for dust control, as well. Calcium Chloride is a clear liquid that is naturally hygroscopic. This means that it will attract and retain moisture, making it a great option for dust control. Calcium Chloride has an easy application process where it is sprayed from a truck. After just a couple of hours, Calcium Chloride will has enough time to penetrate the surface and be driven on. Once applied, a road will have a wet or damp look to it. One spray will typically last an entire summer and, another benefit of using Calcium Chloride, it will leave residual year over year. This means the benefits will only increase each year it is applied. Not only will the Calcium Chloride suppress the dust, but it will also increase the stabilization of a road. Because we know many of our customers are very conscientious about price, Calcium Chloride is typically much more price competitive over an oil based product.
Contact a Great Lakes Chloride representative today to get a quote for your dust control project!