03 Feb Calcium Chloride – The Most Effective Concrete Accelerator
Using Calcium Chloride in concrete produces an accelerated rate of hydration in cement. It warms the concrete mixture and allows workability of placement in cold weather. By using Calcium Chloride in ready mix, it develops high early strength. Three day strength is seen in one day and seven day strength is seen in three days. Calcium Chloride allows the ready mix to maintain its workability. Calcium Chloride use decreases water usage. Increased strength is achieved at lower material and labor costs with Calcium Chloride. For quality, economy and reliability, Calcium Chloride is the best choice for cold weather ready mix.
- The amount of Calcium Chloride should not exceed 2% (see below table.
- Calcium Chloride should be added in solution form to the aggregates in the mixer drum or as a portion of the mixing water.
- If using Calcium Chloride as a portion of the mixing water, the total mixing water should be reduced by the amount of Calcium Chloride being used.
- Always add Calcium Chloride to the water rather than adding water to Calcium Chloride.
- Never use hot or warm water to dissolve Calcium Chloride.